Monday, November 8, 2010

Greetings and salutations! Welcome to the streets. They suck pretty hard.

Hello all. I'm Sleepy Pete. I am a 26 year old white male, and I am homeless. For those of you who aren't 100% sure what that means, it means I've got no place to live, no food to eat, and no money to obtain either. This isn't the first time I've been in this situation, the last time being five years ago, nearly to the day. That was in sunny Southern California (San Diego, to be specific). This time, it's a tiny little town somewhere in Wisconsin named Wausau. I don't know where in Wisconsin exactly, as I'm a product of the American school system and thus am lucky not to lose my way crossing the street. Go geography! =D 

I'm making this blog as a sort of experiment, which I will explain here and now. See, I'm a cynic. A bitter cynic, to go into greater detail. I have a very low opinion of the human species in general, as anyone in my situation easily might. I spend my days waiting for the next ass-tastic thing to happen to me, and I dare to say I'm not without good reason for this. Hell, the simple fact that I'm homeless in a podunk Wisconsin village with winter fast approaching is decent proof of my ability to recognize when my life fucking sucks. 

Now, I'm going to be a little anticipatory here, as I'm no stranger to the wild and woolly ways of the Interwebs. I know there will people who claim this is all a hoax and that I'm just some teenager doing this for shits, giggles, and attention. To any and all who might scoff at this blog, thinking it to be a hoax: fuck you. Fuck you long, and fuck you hard, preferably with something rusty and jagged. If you think this is all a hoax or some sort of attention-getting ploy, than kindly get the fuck out and stay out. I have far more important concerns than your pedantic scoffing and "oh, he's such an obvious fake!" douchebaggery. Things like not freezing to death at night, or trying to figure out where I can get something to eat for no money. For once in my life, I'm glad I'm a fatass, as the layers of blubber will both help insulate me against the cold and allow me to go for long periods without food. 

So yeah. If you don't think this is real, kindly ignore this blog and never post any comments. Saves you time, saves me time, saves EVERYBODY time, mmmkay? So consider this my one and only comment to any naysayers who think I'm just some full of shit Internet guy. 

That said, anyone who feels like commenting anything that ISN'T a flame/troll attempt is free to say whatever the fuck they want, provided it isn't racist. Sleepy Pete cares not what color your skin, hair, eyes, tongue, toenails, and so on are, because everyone is the same color when turned inside out: Nightmare. 

First real post to follow soon.

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